Friday, October 19, 2012


Computer Hardware
During the past decades computer hardwares were very bulky.  Thanks to technological advancement, today we do not experience issues in the past.  Examples of technologically advanced hardware are rear projection screen and projection film.
Today it is less likely for us to experience those awful issues.  Computers today are available in different sizes and shapes.  If you are planning to purchase  one, you can easily get confused because of the available options for you.  So before deciding to purchase certain computer hardware, you have to take into consideration number of things like its configuration.
It is also astonishing to think about the rate of computer hardware innovation these days.  Almost every week companies introduce new hardware to the public.  One positive thing about computer hardware advancement is that the price and size of the hardware is greatly reduced, while its function and efficiency is dramatically increased.  Today it would be a great investment if you buy the latest model of certain computer hardware.  Computer hardware that are constantly changing or developing are motherboards, RAMs, hard disks, video cards, monitors and even peripheral hardware such as mouse and keyboards are rapidly improving.
Flash memory cards and hard disks today are rapidly increasing their storage capacity. There are also flash drives that have the ability to transfer data to and from the computer at a faster rate.  Animations, games and other applications are now very demanding, and that is the reason why today RAMs are increased.  This is simply to allow smooth functioning of the computer.  Motherboards have also undergone dramatic changes during the past years.  Even though there have been a lot of changes with these computer hardware, their prices are still inexpensive.
The most important element of a computer is the processor.  This specific computer hardware determines the overall performance of a computer.  That is why, major companies such as Intel and AMD, who are manufacturing this hardware are on a tight race in developing new and advanced processor to attract more customers.
As said earlier, the mouse and keyboard are two of the peripheral computer hardware that are rapidly developing or evolving.  Today, you can easily find a wireless mouse and a wireless keyboard. Wireless computer hardware offers a lot of advantages to its users. First, users will have the freedom to move around while using the computer; they need not to be that close to the computer monitor.
Today you can also find computers that would perfectly fit in your palm.  Even if its size is small, its capacity is huge and its performance is brilliant.

Computer’s software
In order of the advancement of harwares, the companies like Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc providing softwares(operating systems) are also improving their OS features to enhance the performance and usability of computers and mobile devices.
  Advancement in computer operating system it turned out to be very easy to maintain specific standards in the computer industry. These standards consisted hardware interfaces, video memory standards, sound standards and CPU memory specifications. Yet, there was still a lot of conflict within the industry, and lots of hardware turned out to be unsatisfactory. Consequently, numerous games developed in Windows faced a lot of problems. Microsoft understood this problem early on and emphasized its efforts on improving its environment and working to improve performance for the parts of the operating system that cater to game and multimedia requirements. These efforts were obvious in Windows 95, one of the first operating systems that produced reliable hardware-software interaction a reality. Since all hardware companies had to meet a comparable standard and Microsoft controlled how its operating system responded to the hardware. In the DOS days, you had to build your own drivers for every type of video card, but with Windows you had to develop to only one standard. In spite of spending time producing and understanding numerous hardware specifications, designers relied on Microsoft to do all that for them and wrap up it for their use in the OS as windows 7. However still windows 7 has some lacking registry problems, booting problems, time sharing, etc which might not be in windows 8.
Mac (Apple) is again one of the Popular OS and has good features such as Mac OS X loves RAM. Short of buying a new Mac or a processor upgrade, adding RAM is the best way to improve Mac OS X performance. Install the maximum amount of RAM that your Mac will accept and your budget will allow. But Mac has also some deficiency like It's quite hard to identify the most common Mac problems, because most problems aren't all that common. They can range from minor annoyances that we'll all see once in a while, like applications slowing down or files behaving oddly, to the almost mythical calamities that many users will never encounter, like disk failures and kernel panics.  However Apple might resolve these problems in upcoming OS like X mountain Lion.
Advancements in Computer Disk Imaging Software
Disk imaging software has come a long way from the days we would make a system disk snapshot or a complete system backup for that ever impending disaster. Sometimes we would thank our stars and sometime wonder why we did it, since we never got to utilize it. Take it from someone who has lost entire systems at an alarmingly regular rate of intervals, backing up your data is never a bad bet. The only time that uncertainty looms like dark clouds, is when technology changes, and we have to take backups all over again. In recent years, the software industry has made leaps and bounds in backup software, with features that will make you sit up and smile. Features like operating independent restore, capability of backup software to repair your damaged OS and if not the ability to restore to an alternate without any hassles. The modern-day disk imaging software will boot independently of the OS and scan to see if there is anything to do to repair a bad operating system, and if not offer alternates in a system restore. The software will analyze alternates and show you a brief or expanded summary if necessary along with the exact steps to take to a complete system restore in the shortest time possible. 


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